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Glen Campbell

Glen Campbell

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4 tracks found
Album: Anne Murray - Glen Campbell
Genres: Country, Folk, Pop, Standard, Vocal, Folk Country
Moods: Romantic, Chilled, Sentimental, Loving, Intimate, Nostalgic
Album: Galveston
Genres: Folk Country, Folk
Moods: Happy, Romantic, Chilled, Passionate, Warm, Positive, Sentimental
Album: Somethin' 'Bout You Baby I Like
Genres: Country, Folk Country
Moods: Romantic, Sentimental, Loving, Nostalgic, Warm, Tender, Melancholic, Reflective, Emotional, Intimate
Album: Wichita Lineman
Genres: Country, Folk Country
Moods: Happy, Chilled, Romantic, Cheerful, Warm, Positive
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