Canadian Sunset

Gene Ammons

Display Artists Gene Ammons
Recording Year 1965
Duration 05:22
Sample Start Time 0
Rights Controlled Publishing
Owner Name / Ownership % Prestige Records / 100.00%
Norman Gimbel (BMI, 50.000%), Eddie Heywood (50.000%)
Words West LLC (E), Words West LLC (AM), EMI Grove Park Music Inc. (E), Universal Songs of Polygram International Inc. (E), EMI Grove Park Music Inc. (AM), Words West LLC (AM)
Title Canadian Sunset
WritersNorman Gimbel (BMI, 50.000%)Eddie Heywood (50.000%)
Original PublishersEMI Grove Park Music Inc. (E)Universal Songs of Polygram International Inc. (E)Words West LLC (E)
Administered ByEMI Grove Park Music Inc. (AM)Words West LLC (AM)Words West LLC (AM)
Perf %Mech %Synch %
Total Collection (Controlled)UnknownUnknownUnknown
Writer's Share Controlled No
Controlled Interested Parties IPI Number Share % Role Perf Society Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
Y Norman Gimbel 50.000CABMI
Y/N Words West LLC E50.000
Y/N Words West LLC AM
Controlled Interested Parties IPI Number Share % Role Perf Society Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
N Eddie Heywood 50.000CA
Y/N EMI Grove Park Music Inc. E
Y/N Universal Songs of Polygram International Inc. E
Share % Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
Detached Interested Parties
Controlled Interested Parties IPI Number Share % Role Perf Society Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
Y/N EMI Grove Park Music Inc. AM
Y/N Words West LLC AM
Gene AmmonsMain Artist

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